| 1 | IV. | | | Report | Meeting Topics
A. Approval of July 16, 2024, Meeting Minutes (For Action) (5 minutes)
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, BART Office of Civil Rights
B. Follow-up to Previous EAC Feedback (For Information) (5 minutes)
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, BART Office of Civil Rights
Attachment: Follow-Up to Previous EAC Feedback Memo
C. Caltrans’ California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) (For Information) (40 minutes)
Erika Ehmsen, CXO, xentrans.com, Cal-ITP Consultant
D. Approval of Proposed EAC Bylaws Amendments (For Action) (5 minutes)
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, BART Office of Civil Rights
Attachment: EAC Bylaws Update and Proposed Amendments Memo and Red-line version of Bylaws
E. Term Renewal and Term Extensions (For Information) (15 minutes)
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, BART Office of Civil Rights
Attachment: Term Renewal and Term Extension Memo
F. Approval of Community Stabilization and Anti-Displacement Principles (For Action)
(20 minutes)
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, BART Office of Civil Ri | | |
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